Sunday 26 June 2011


100 ngwees and you get one of these
Quick! What's the currency in Zambia?  That's right, it's the "Kwacha".  Split up into 100 ngwees.  Don't count on your local currency exchange to have enough Kwacha for your trip..... My trusty currency converter gives 1US = 4,850 kwacha.

More on currencies for the Cape to Cairo Rally, From Roger, the Rally organiser:


The recommended currency through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe is the South African Rand which is accepted in all the mentioned countries.

From and including Zambia the recommended currency to carry is the US Dollar. Old US large denomination notes are not accepted due to counterfeit problems. I carry $100 notes younger than 2008.

Visa and MasterCard credit cards are accepted anywhere in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana and at most of the accommodation stops along the rest of the way. Small villages do not generally accept cards but the use of ATMS it becoming prolific across the continent. Diners and Amex cards are not popular. Expect to pay cash for all your fuel unless you have a South African Petro card which is also accepted in Namibia.

Most large villages and all towns and cities have recognised banks with Barclays being well represented.
