Tuesday 22 May 2018


Well, we finished the Mille Miglia, but not for want of our little car - a 1951 Ermini - trying by various ways to stop us...
First the breaking of suspension: solution - fixed by welding, as posted previously, but with the result that we were timed out of the start.  You're given 15 minutes leeway, and then you can't officially start.  We were at the start line 17 minutes late. So day was spent following the other cars to Rome.
Second, on the last day the car wouldn't start: solution - throttling the air filter intake on the carburetor.
Third, soon after getting started on the last day, on way to start line: the half-shaft from the differential to the right wheel snapped.  Result no gears.  Solution - car pushed over the line, to get us a start, just two minutes before cut-off time (i.e. 13 minutes late), then trucked to Milan, where a new half-shaft was found and replaced in just over an hour, so we were able to continue to the finish, officially, passing by time trials at Monza on the way.
Photos follow in later posts