Wednesday 21 September 2011

Some panoramas

I wanted to show a sample of the country we've been driving through.  From Cape to about Zambia, we've been in high veld: 3,500 to 6,000 feet above sea level all the way, and all the land a highland, dry Savanna, grassy in the south, scattered sometimes scrubby trees for the more northern Southern Africa.  Typical of it all, I've already posted towards bottom of the post here, thousands and thousands of miles of the same, though the practiced eye will spot the nuances.
Further north, from Zambia and into Tanzania, the country's rather more of the same, just interspersed with villages of rude huts, mud and grass.
The roads Cape to south Zambia mostly good, and straight, straight, straight.  Unpeopled till Zambia, and thence start deteriorating and en-peopled.  Then you've got to be on your wits driving, concentrating all the time, for the "3 P's": people, potholes and police.
Here's some samplers; multiply them in the mind, and you've got its nature, from Cape to here (Dar es Salaam, sitting in lobby of the Southern Sun hotel)
Zillions of huts like these...

...and these

And vast areas like this...

... until you get to this (Dar), via dozens of police traps...

... and ferry over to this, Zanzibar...

... and end up at this.  If you think Phuket or Samui resort, you've got the
picture, minus the foot massage and Thai beauties...